A quick way to feel calmer and less overwhelmed

Sometimes we need a quick way to feel calmer and less overwhelmed.

Because if you’ve ever counted everything on your plate as a parent, a partner, a friend, a boss/employee, and so on…

The list is literally endless!

And when you’re feeling stretched thin, even the smallest task can feel impossible.

So I put together a short video where I share a 4-minute exercise to calm your mind and soothe your body.

You can watch the video here. 

The exercise might be useful if you feel hopeless deciding what to tackle next on your to-do list.

And it might be VERY useful if you want to ask your partner for help, but you get too frustrated and upset to find the right words.

Regardless of what feels hard for you, if you want to feel calmer and less overwhelmed…

See if this helps.


P.S. You can also catch it on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.


‘Just tell me what to do’


I wish all overwhelmed moms knew this