Disneyland wisdom

Two weeks ago, my partner and I were preparing to take our four-year-old to Disneyland for the first time and I was freaking out.

Which ride should we take her on first, I wondered. Then second? And third?

What if our daughter didn’t like the rides I picked and I ruined her only first trip to the happiest place on Earth?

I frantically grabbed my phone and started searching forums.

Eventually I stumbled on this advice: “Research, prepare, and then let it all go.”

And I felt like I could breathe again.

Because I knew this approach would work.

It’s what I teach my relationship coaching clients.

At Disneyland, it means letting go of your plans and expectations to enjoy the moment.

For my clients, it means letting go of your expectations for your partner….

  • to finally throw the trash on time

  • to volunteer to put the kids to bed, without groaning or making you feel guilty

  • to ask what they can do for you, instead of the other way around

The truth is that holding onto these expectations keeps you fixated on what you hope might happen, instead of being open to possibilities you couldn’t anticipate.

Like how your partner might be happy to do the laundry instead of throwing the trash.

Or make breakfast for the family instead of doing bedtime.

There are endless possibilities like these, but you won’t see them until you let go of your expectations.

Like how we didn’t choose a first ride at Disneyland after all, because our daughter wanted to meet Minnie Mouse instead.


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