Everything is falling apart

A few days ago I was getting ready for work when I made the mistake of looking at our apartment.

Toys littered the couch and living room. The sink was barely visible under the dishes, and the trash was overly ripe.

Everything seemed to be falling apart, and I felt like a failure.

Because you guys, it looked bad.

Then my partner Sunaina saw me slumped over and asked what was wrong.

“Look at this place,” I said. “It looks like we don’t care!”

Sunaina picked up an armful of toys and I felt better.

I remembered that she has my back and together we’re a team against the toys and the dishes and the endless stream of ants that love our food so much.

Because the reality is that taking care of your home is an emotional experience.

If it’s clean, life feels manageable. And when it’s bad, everything feels like it’s falling apart.

So it matters if your partner helps you with household chores.

It’s the difference between feeling like a team, and feeling like you’re the only one responsible for keeping everything afloat.

If you’re ready for your partner to have your back with household chores, click here to sign up for my free workshop tomorrow at 6pm (CST).

It’ll be chill, and you’ll walk away knowing exactly what to tell your partner so they’ll want to help you around the house.

See you there.


P.S. Here’s that workshop invitation one more time.


Free workshop today!


I ate too much