Get your partner to throw the trash (and do other chores)

When your partner doesn’t throw the trash (or do the dishes, laundry, etc.) then that obviously means they don’t respect you and they don’t care about how tired and overwhelmed you already feel.

Or does it???

Household chores are one of the most common (and dangerous!) relationship landmines that can make loving couples explode at each other with anger, frustration, and disappointment.

Get burned enough times and you might throw up your hands and say, “Fine, I’ll do it myself,” while inside you’re heavy with sadness and the stirrings of resentment.

Over time, this battle over chores might feel like a microcosm of your relationship — how you both feel more like warring roommates than the loving partners you used to be.

But it doesn’t have to be that way!

I’ve been teaching couples how to disarm this scary situation in my relationship coaching work and now I’ll show you how to do it too.

I’m hosting a free 30-minute live workshop (and short Q&A) this Thursday at 6pm CST that will teach you:

  • The real reason why chores feel so explosive

  • Why nagging and begging don’t work

  • How to actually get your partner to throw the trash (and do other chores)

Sign up for the free workshop here.

You’ll also get automatic access to the replay that I promise to keep up for at least 30 days (I’ll give a heads up when I decide to take it down).

If you have any questions about the workshop or you have questions you want me to answer during the workshop, click here to send me a message.


P.S. Here’s that workshop sign up link one more time.


I ate too much


Sleepy time feels