I need compassion today

I’m not going to lie: I’m deeply disappointed that Donald Trump was re-elected yesterday to be the next US president.

I realize that this might sound hypocritical, considering a few days ago I encouraged everyone to vote regardless of their political beliefs.

But I’m reminded of something that Dr. Becky Kennedy often says: “Two things can be true.”

In this case, I strongly believe that everyone’s needs matter and that everyone deserves the right to vote for their own interests.

And I also strongly believe that Donald Trump will lead America and the rest of the world into a future that is less compassionate, less hopeful, and less safe.

But before I worry about the world, I’m going to care for myself.

So I’m giving myself permission to experience all the feelings that are coming up for me — the disappointment, anger, and sadness.

This process may take a few hours or it may take weeks, or longer.

I’m not going to rush it.

Because trying to avoid these painful emotions is impossible.

And trying to ignore or avoid them will just make these feelings grow stronger and stronger until I can’t control them anymore…

Then the feelings will control me.

And I know that’s not what I want for myself, for my family, and for the people I try to support.

Regardless of how you feel about the election results, I hope you can also give yourself permission to experience all the feelings that come up for you.

Because two things can be true: Your emotions can feel intense and overwhelming, AND they will pass eventually, after you give yourself permission to experience them.

After that, you get to decide what to do next.

Wishing you all compassion and care,



How to comfort your partner after the election


Your vote matters!