If you want to feel more hopeful

I’ve been working with some amazing people lately.

They’re starting to take less responsibility for their partners, prioritize their own self-care, and feel more hopeful and excited about their relationships.

But I’m going to tell you what I keep reminding my clients, because you’re probably not doing enough of this either.

Celebrate your progress!

It might seem harmless but the reality is that not celebrating your progress can suck the hope and excitement right out of your relationship.

It’s like the time I was going to physical therapy, really putting in a lot of time and sweat. Then I asked the doctor about my progress.

“We’ve barely touched the tip of the iceberg,” he said. “You’ve got a long way to go.”

My heart dropped.

So did my motivation.

What’s the point?” I wondered.

I knew I had made real strides, but if all my effort didn’t even warrant a pat on the back then why was I trying so hard?

“We’ve got a long way to go.”

Is this the message you’re telling your partner?

Or yourself?

If you’ve been feeling discouraged about your relationship, you can turn things around with a few meaningful words.

What’s something you’re proud of in your relationship?

Can you celebrate this with your partner?

Let me know how it goes.


P.S. Grab my free guide to getting your partner to open up with one heartfelt conversation.


Divorced over shower curtains


Relationships are simple but…