New year goals that work

Usually the start of a new year is an exciting time filled with hope and possibility…

But it might not feel so hopeful if you’ve been struggling to make changes that don’t seem to stick.

Like talking to your husband about going back to work…

Or feeling like your marriage is ready for a new baby.

If you can relate to this, then it might help to start with a smaller goal.

Because when you focus all your attention on doing a BIG THING, it can feel overwhelming and impossible.

Like feeling ready for a new baby…

What does that even mean?

An easier and more sustainable approach is to choose a small, concrete piece of the bigger goal.

For example, if you want to feel ready for a new baby, what is one small thing that would help you feel ready?

It might be choosing a crib, or deciding with your husband how — and who — will feed the baby.

Tackling a small, concrete goal like this makes it easier to feel like you’re making progress toward that BIG GOAL.

And it will help you and your husband feel like you’re working together as a team.

Which makes it that much more likely that you’ll get what you want this coming year.

So I invite you to consider, what is a small, concrete goal you can set for yourself?

And what is one thing you can do to reach it?

If you’re having trouble coming up with a goal, send me a message and I’ll help you figure it out.

Happy New Year,



Everyone is going to mess up this year


‘Just tell me what to do’