What is your relationship missing?
If you want to change how you feel, it’s helpful to consider what might be missing from your relationship.
Stuck in survival mode?
If you’re struggling to keep your head above water, here are 15 quick and easy ways to get some breathing room.
Why is your loving partner so selfish?
You know your partner loves you – so why won’t they help more?
Do check-ins with your partner stress you out?
Your bond with your partner goes far beyond your shared responsibilities.
Quick update: I’m doing ok
Physically, I’m in the clear, but emotionally I’m still recovering.
Why are you in your relationship?
When you know why you're in a relationship, you're more likely to find the patience and energy to show up the way you want to.

The Real, Messy Relationship Podcast
This podcast is where I dig into the questions and topics that truly matter in your relationship.
You’re not alone
If you have a partner, or a loved one, or a friend you trust, then you never have to be alone.
I’m terrified and I’m OK with that
The truth is that life is filled with uncertainty and fear. And you can try to push it away or ignore it. But that means that your fear is driving your life, not you.

How to be authentic in your relationship
Being authentic means letting your behavior reflect what’s going on inside of you.
Why nothing you do is enough for your partner
When you find the sweet spot, your partner will feel like you “get” them, and you’ll feel satisfied and pleased to help your partner.
Relationships are scary
Your relationship doesn’t feel hard or scary because you’re screwing up, or because there’s something wrong with you.
What you really want from your partner
Think of something that you really, really want your partner to do for you. How would you feel if your partner did it?
Why most relationship advice doesn’t work
Most relationship advice is too broad to be useful.
Let go of what isn’t serving you
Are you showing up in your relationship and life the way you want to?